How Much Wine Can You Hold at One Meal
Ladies did you know that the pearl is considered to be the "Queen of Gems"? It symbolizes innocence and purity and makes a fantastic, cherished wedding gift. Pearl necklaces are adored by many and at any time, whether it's wo at a formal affair or casual get-together. A black pearl necklace made from cultured or freshwater pearls is a symbol of power, money, protection and love, and they are thought to keep children safe as well. A black pearl was adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912 as the official birthstone for those who have a birthday in the month of June. And if you are a horoscope lover, it is known as the birthstone for the sun signs of Cancer and Gemini.
Pearls and pearl necklaces over the years have been idolized by many. Given on first wedding anniversaries, it is also traditional to give pearls on the 3rd, 12th, and 30th anniversaries. Pearls have had a tradition of myths, and the Egyptians prized them very much, burying them with their dead. Cleopatra actually dissolved a single pearl in a glass of wine and drank it to win a wager with Marc Anthony that she could consume the wealth of an entire nation in just one meal! As well as the Egyptians, the Greeks too, held the pearl in highest esteem for its beauty and its association with love and marriage. They believed that it would prevent the newly-wed woman from crying, and it would promote marital bliss.
Even in the dark ages, nobility cherished pearl necklaces, while brave knights actually wore pearls into battle believing the magic of pearls would protect them from harm. The Chinese believed many years ago that pearls actually fell from the sky when dragons fought. Chinese ancient legends believed they were the tears of gods. In the first century BC, Julius Caesar limited the wearing of pearls to only the rulers within the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, over the years, greed and lust for the black pearl necklace and various other sorts of pearl jewelry had depleted American pearl oyster resources by the 17th-century. Back in 1916, the famed French jeweler, Jacques Cartier, bought his landmark store on Fifth Avenue in New York by trading two pearl necklaces for the property. So there you have a fascinating piece of jewelry with a fascinating history!
By Terry Price- Remember to visit- -This special piece of jewelry belongs in every woman�s jewel box!
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